Our mixing vessels like MAXBLEND, achieve uniform mixing in a short time, so that they can save energy during working.
About Us Sustainability
01 SHI Group’s Sustainability
Under the Basic Sustainability Policy, Sumitomo Heavy Industries Process Equipment Co., Ltd. will promote more robust and sustainable corporate activities focused on addressing our materialities to live up to the trust of our stakeholders.
Basic Sustainability Policy
Based on Sumitomo's Business philosophy and Sumitomo Heavy Industries Group's management philosophy, we conduct corporate management by enhancing both social and corporate value for the realization of a sustainable society. We have clarified these ideas as a basic sustainability policy.
- We shall provide products and services that contribute to economical and technological development and aim for our sustainable growth.
- We shall make every effort to minimize the environmental load in all of our business activities, including the entire product life cycle.
In addition, we shall protect the safety, security and health of every person involved in any corporate activities and create a workplace where everyone of us can work vibrantly. - We shall ensure thorough corporate ethics and improve management soundness and transparency.
/ Policy
02 Solutions to social issues through our products and services
We shall contribute to solve climate change issues, improve working environments, and realize a circular economy, through providing industrial infrastructure. That leads to our comfortable and sustainable society.
Environmental Load Reduction
We will address reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the lifecycle of our products, such as energy-saving during products working due to high productivity products, and efficient energy utilization during manufacturing and transporting products.
Mixing Vessels
Column-In-Column, which achieves multicomponent separation process in one tower, can decrease equipment quantity compared with the conventional column system, so that it achieves energy-saving.
Promotion of green logistics
We work on improving energy utilization efficiency on products transportation, such as delivery in large structures, modal shift, and optimization of packaging materials.
Realizing a Circular Economy
We shall contribute to realizing a circular economy by effective use of resources: reduction of products materials and separating and recycling waste material. We work on reducing products materials, by providing long-life products, extending products life by repairing service, and efficient nesting at manufacturing.
After Service
We try to make delivery products long-life, through aging diagnosis, repairing and retrofit.
Pressure Vessels
At our products coke drums, effective materials like petroleum coke are collected from remnants of oil refining process.
Safe Working Environments
We support safe and secure working environments for laborer on key industry, by providing high safety products such as automatic operation devices and factory management under the "safety first" policy.
Coke oven machines
Providing automatic operation devices, thereby it can be reduced the number of laborers working in dangerous condition. In addition, we contribute to ensure safety during working or in an emergency, with automatic stop devices, accident inhibitory function, or operator supporting function.
03 ESG (Environment, Society, Governance)
SHI Group is engaged in environmental management by establishing the "Sumitomo Heavy Industries Group Environmental Policy" based on its environmental philosophy, recognizing that global environmental conservation and circular economic activity are corporate social responsibilities.
Basic Views
The SHI Group will endeavor to reduce environmental impacts across its entire operations, including the whole life cycle of its products, based on the Sustainability Basic Policy, recognizing that conservation of the global environment and climate action are one of the priority issues in efforts toward achieving a sustainable society.
SHI Group Environmental Policy
- The SHI Group will work to conserve the global environment and endeavor to prevent environmental pollution.
- The SHI Group will strive to reduce environmental impacts through efforts such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions and waste, reusing and recycling resources, and using energy more efficiently, and work toward achieving a decarbonized and circular society.
- The SHI Group will work to address impacts of its operations on nature and ecosystems and conserve biodiversity.
- The SHI Group will strengthen its environmental management structure and continue to operate and improve its environmental management system.
- The SHI Group will not only comply with environmental laws and regulations but will also establish and apply voluntary standards to assess its environmental performance as needed.
- The SHI Group will work to raise environmental awareness of everyone involved in its operations through continuous environmental education and awareness programs.
- The SHI Group will share with and communicate and disclose to all stakeholders this Environmental Policy.
ISO14001 Certification
We have acquired ISO14001 since 1998.
Safety and Health
We recognize that ensuring the safety, security, and health of every person in our factory is a base of company existence. In order to create a workplace where everyone of us can work vibrantly, we strengthen and promote industrial accident prevention and efforts for health enhancement of employees in accordance with basic philosophy of safety and health.
SHI Group's Basic Philosophy of Safety and Health
The SHI Group will work in cooperation with labor and management to ensure that the "safety first" policy is upheld by all employees to create pleasant workplaces where they can work in healthy, safe, and secure environments, based on a spirit of respect for human beings.
We fulfill our responsibility as a manufacturer through quality improving action for providing highly trusted products timely that conformed to customers’ required quality and improving customer satisfaction, therefore we contribute to customers and society.
SHI Group Quality Policy
- Quality Principles
Through the continuous and unwavering pursuit of world class quality that is recognized globally, we will supply customers with products and services that they recognize as adding value to their business.
- Quality Policy
- Customer First
- Define quality targets based on the expectations of the customer.
- Continuous Progress
- Continuously advance the quality system and incorporate quality with a process mindset.
- Everyone Participates
- Every person involved in quality sets an objective and tackles quality issues head on as a team.
ISO9001 Certification
We have acquired ISO9001 since 1993.
Basic Compliance Policy
- Based on Sumitomo's Business Philosophy, we promote compliance in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value in accordance with its management philosophy.
- All officers and employees will comply with laws and internal rules based on the Code of Ethics, practice corporate ethics such as social norms, and carry out business in good faith and fairness.
- Safety and compliance shall take precedence over everything else.
For the purpose of completeness of business principles that regulating compliance first and improving business quality, we carry out educations: annual compliance education, e-learning, reading aloud the compliance manual in each division.
Compliance Manual
This manual summarizes specific action guidelines, such as various rules that officers and employees are expected to observe.
Ethics hotline
We have a whistleblowing system called "SHI Group Ethics Hotline" that allows officers and employees of SHI and affiliated companies to report to or consult with the Compliance Committee Secretariat with regard to facts that violate or may violate laws or internal rules. In addition, we have also operated an external hotline for the purpose of facilitating reporting and consultation.