Terms of Use

  1. HOME
  2. Terms of Use
  1. This website is intended to provide information to help you understand the activities of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Process Equipment Co., Ltd. Please read the following usage terms before using this website. Only use this website if you agree to these terms.
  2. When you view, use or download information contained in this website, it is assumed that you have agreed to the following descriptions and conditions. Content, information and URLs in this website are subject to change without notice.

1. Copyright

Copyright of the website is held by Sumitomo Heavy Industries Process Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereafter "our company") unless otherwise noted. Content in this website can only be copied by customers for personal and/or non-profit use on condition that our copyright notice is attributed to such usage.

Except for the above, this website shall not allow any rights based on the copyright, patent rights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights of our company or a third party. Note that in each document, if a use condition is shown, the use condition takes precedence.

2. Trademark

Trademarks, such as trade or service marks used on this website, are attributed to our company or a rights holder who approved use by our company. These marks cannot be used without permission.

3. Disclaimer

Our company does not guarantee any document and its content in this website. We are not responsible for errors in this website. In addition, be aware that information in this website may change without notice.

4. Future business performance information

This website may contain information about future business and business performance of our company and its Group, etc. This information is determined to be reasonable by our company based on information available at the time of publication. Actual results and/or performance may vary depending on different factors. Do not rely on the business performance information contained in this website. Our company does not assume any obligation to revise this type of information.

5. Linking to this website

Before linking to this website, please obtain permission from our company. Write your name, contact information (mailing address, phone number and e-mail address), URL of the page to which you will link, the content of your website, and the purpose of the link. Generally, the URL linking to this website shall be "https://www.shi-pe.shi.co.jp/"

6. Linked websites

The veracity of links to different websites (hereinafter referred to as "link sites") found in this website, are the responsibility of the operators of the link sites. When customers use these link sites, they must follow the terms of service, etc. of the link sites. Our company does not assume responsibility for the content in the link sites and any damages caused by use of the link sites.

7. Use of cookie and other similar techniques

Our website uses cookies and web beacons for the customized website, email, notifications, and advertisement to provide customers with better services.

※ A cookie is a piece of data that is sent to the user's browser and recorded by the browser to enable the website to differentiate different users.
※ Web beacon is a mechanism that enables the system to know the date and time when the website or email was viewed, the content, the connection information, and the cookie of the website in which a web beacon has been embedded.

In addition, our website may use the information based on cookie in association with personal information. For details, please visit the page about the company’s cookie policy.
The information of access to our website is used only for the purpose of providing our services, and is never used for other purposes.
Access information collected though cookies or web beacons cannot determine the customer's identity by itself. However, a customer who does not want us to collect information through cookies and web beacons can disable these features by browser setting. In that case, however, please be reminded that the customer may become unable to use part of our website features.

8. Statistics of customer's access to our website

Our system monitors customer's access to our website and automatically creates statistics.

9. Governing laws & court of jurisdiction

The interpretation and operation of this website, as well as its conditions of use, are governed by Japanese law. Disputes with respect to this site or interpretation of content, unless otherwise specified, shall be referred to the Matsuyama District Court as the court of jurisdiction.
